About Us

Here at, we are excited to share with the world what God has done for all of us!  We are among the least of the least, but God has chosen us to glorify His Name. Join us in the run where we all run to win that prize!We are three sisters, daughters of Vatsala Christian and Pramodrai Clark, born and raised in Gujarat, India. We received Christ through the testimonies from each other about 20 years ago and were born again. Currently we all live with our families in California, USA.  The journey of our lives had been challenging but exciting at the same time. Looking back, we can see how God had used all three of us and prepared us for this day when we can come together and minister to the world.

  • We believe in the almighty God, creator of the heavens and earth. We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Lord.
  • We believe He was born of a virgin through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that He suffered for us and was crucified, died, buried, and went down to hell for us.
  • We believe that He was raised from the dead on the 3rd day and ascended to heaven and seated at the right hand of God.
  • We believe that He will come back to judge the dead and the living.
  • We believe in the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the holy church, fellowship of saints, forgiveness of sins, resurrection of our bodies and eternal life.
  • We believe in all these. Amen.


Yes, you can write to us and we can set up time with you.  As our ministry grows, there may be delays in getting back to you but we will make sure to connect with you.

Please request a phone call by emailing us at


Yes, there is always a need for volunteers to spread the word. Reach out to us via email if you are interested in volunteering with this ministry. You can write to us at


Sejal Macwan, the daughter of Vatsala Christian and Pramodrai Clark, was born in a small town called Borsad in the Kheda district, State of Gujarat, in India and raised in Baroda, Gujarat, India. Sejal studied to be a nurse practitioner and worked as a nurse for a few years. Sejal is married for twenty years to her husband Ashish kumar Macwan. Sejal was a full-time mother after the birth of their three children: Binyamin, Yeshua, and Isha. Ever since she received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, she decided to love Jesus fully by looking up all commandments and being obedient to Him. Her journey was difficult, but she kept pushing forward. God was with her and was gracious to her in the journey to bring her this far. In 2021, she received many Bible Scripture evelations directly from God. She wrote her first book, Heaven on Earth, in 2021, which was then published in 2022.The revelations in this book are mind-blowing and so amazing that God’s hand print is all over it. God is so gracious to all of man kind to give such revelations to truly understand who God is and what His plan is for all of us.All the glory to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

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